





1、The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. I miss the moon, and I feel anxious for reunion. I also want to eat moon cakes. I wish you a happy month in the Mid-Autumn Festival, and a happy month in the month!



4、I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, a happy family and good luck.

5、Life may not be perfect. It's no shame to raise a glass to invite you to the moon!

6、Enjoy the full moon and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. In this annual festival, I wish my friends at home and abroad a happy holiday!


8、A cup of homesick wine has aroused my sorrow. Tonight, people are reunited, but I am on the other side of my hometown. When will I go home and reunite with you?


10、Blessing never stops. May your happiness always be sweet.


12、A round of bright moon hangs at high altitude, and my companion misses sending it home; Looking at the distant land of hometown at night, my parents are lovesick and bitter!

13、Round moon cakes contain deep thoughts, which implicate you and me; The short message contains many wishes, which bless you and me. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you a full moon, a reunion and happiness forever!

14、The crescent moon like a hook, I don't know how many vicissitudes it has gone through, has become eternal in people's hearts in autumn night. In order to commemorate its perfection, people will eat moon cakes on this day, also in order to remember those cloudy and sunny days and full days. Did you eat moon cakes today? Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


16、In Mid-Autumn Festival, the blessings are long and the whole family is lucky!


18、I wish you a happy holiday and a full moon for your family.

19、Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon is full, family and friends are happy. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


21、Friends are the abundance around you, the number you want to dial when you can't help it, the cup of green tea you sit in the middle of the night, the figure you want to see most when you are at leisure, and the concern you never forget when you are busiest. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

22、I hope the moon will always be round and you will always be happy from today! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

23、The Mid-Autumn Festival is full, and it's time for blessing. I wish you happiness forever, no worries, and happiness forever. Only smiling angels are not as pure as you, and flowers are not as bright as you.


24、Moonlight does not change, but people will change. She is no longer in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Hero, I hope we all know that this is the price behind prosperity.

25、As a national treasure, you will be invited to attend the open-air state banquet. The dishes are classic four dishes and one soup: day lily, water spinach, kohlrabi, pickled sauerkraut, plus pearl jade white jade soup. Don't waste it. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

26、May your life be as full as the fifteenth moon!

27、When is the bright moon? Ask the sky about the cake. I don't know what's in the cake. Today it's lotus seed. I want to watch the moon by boat, but I'm afraid the spaceship will be too slow, and it will be too cold in the distance.


29、The letter is short and the words are long. I only wish my friends more well-being, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion.

30、When the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives, I wish you a good mood, two wishes for no worries, three wishes for a better life, four wishes for rich financial resources, five wishes for a beautiful face, and six wishes for all happiness to surround you! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

31、China is rising and the country is prosperous; Magnificent mountains and rivers, glorious years; Jiangshan is not old, the motherland is evergreen! On this Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish our great motherland prosperity forever, and good luck and health will accompany you all your life! I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


33、May the round moon bring my homesickness and pass it on to my parents who are far away from home!

34、The moon will be full on August 15th. When the moon is full, I sincerely wish you all the best in the distance.

35、A person's Mid-Autumn Festival is actually far sadder than a person's Valentine's Day. Knowing that you won't be lonely in the distance, I gave you this blessing message. Remember to forward it, so that all people can stay away from that kind of sadness and feel warm!

36、The Mid-Autumn Festival, which has been lurking for a year, finally reappears in the rivers and lakes. On this night full of legends and happy reunion, move your finger and send a message to your friends and relatives to show your concern and blessing! Even the simplest: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

37、I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a full moon.

38、The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and the moon is round, which makes the whole family get together happily.

39、If you can't see the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival, don't be surprised, because xxxthe moon represents my heartxxx and it is in my heart. I have woven every ray of moonlight into this short message and sent it to you. I wish you happiness!

40、Do I realize that the moonlight is gone because there are too many tall buildings in front of me? Perhaps no one can notice that there are fewer days when the moon appears, because there are more prosperous high-rise buildings.

41、I wish you a happy family, Pepsi, beautiful life and sweeter than honey!

42、sweet cakes will be served with my bl

43、将我的真心,放在你的手心,愿你好好珍藏,细细呵护!6dW句子屋[作文5000网 WWW.zW5000.coM]

44、The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming again in a year. Being far away from home, I have only one belief in my heart-I wish my relatives at home happiness and health forever!
